Jean de Mazac

Poète et Muse

  Poète et Muse  

19.88 USD

1000.00 USD
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КомпозиторJean de Mazac
Автор текста Alfred de Musset
ИздательJdM Publisher
Жанр Классика / Современная
Инструменты Фортепиано, Флейта, Флейта пикколо, Кларнет, Фагот, Гобой, Английский рожок, Валторна, Тромбон, Труба, Туба, Скрипка, Альт, Виолончель, Контрабас, Арфа, Гонг, Треугольник, Литавры, Тарелки, Сопрано, Тенор, Баритон, Бас-кларнет, Саксофон тенор
Состав исполнителейСолисты, Симфонический оркестр
Тип нотПартитура
Уровень сложности Выше среднего
Год создания 2009
Описание Full score

(piano-vocal score and available on demand at JdM Publisher)

Poète et Muse (Poet and Muse) is opera in 1 act by poems “Les Nuits” (The Nights) of the great French dramatist Alfred de Musset, written to the texts of his poem.

In this – might be said - psychological opera, there are only 3 characters: Poet, Muse, and Phantom (in Musset's original work – La Vision). Although there are only three persons, the opera is not lacking of the dramatical tension. Both Muse and Phantom are opposites of the Poet's soul: Muse, as the poet's imaginative mistress, is a positive character, inspiring him and calling him to his new creations; Phantom, on the contrary, is his “eternal solitude” driving him to the destructive depressions. Both of Poet’s visions have their own leitmotifs (main music motives) which describe them and their struggle in his lonely soul.

Opera Poète et Muse has romantic, dramatic, and vivid music with almost permanently rising tension until the very end.

Opera is written in French, following the original of The Nights by A. de Musset - for tenor (Poet), soprano (Muse), and bass-baritone (Phantom).
Дата публикации 04 дек 2018


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